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Vision, Mission and Values

  • Our Vision

    Saint James Church is to be a vibrant and growing multi-generational parish experiencing and proclaiming, in word and deed, the saving love and power of Jesus Christ, locally and globally.

  • Our Mission

    The mission of St. James Church is to effectively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ & grow His Body among all generations in Texarkana and surrounding counties, and in partnership with the Anglican Communion, through: Quality Liturgy, Inspirational Teaching, Affective Preaching, and Ministry Development.

  • Parish Values

    1.Orthodox--Giving "right praise" to the Triune God in the "Faith once delivered

    to the saints" and

    2.Catholic--Connected to the Church Universal in that Faith

    3.Anglican--Expressed in the traditions of the Worldwide Anglican Communion

    to grow in

    4.Conversion--Spiritual Development to "Become like Christ" through

    5.Prayer--Mass, Daily Offices, and Personal/Private

    6.Knowledge--First class instruction in the Faith

    7.Service--Ministry in our community and the world and practicing

    8.Christian Virtues (Humility, Charity, Kindness, Patience, Diligence,

    Temperance, and Chastity).


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