At Saint James', there are many opportunities to join in our communal spiritual life through our various lay ministry groups. See below for a few ways you can serve your fellow Christians.
A volunteer group of the parish women whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish church for major occasions.
Our flower guild is a group of volunteers who prepare the altar flowers each week, and then distribute them to members of our parish family who are homebound.
We pride ourselves on the excellence of our sacred music at Saint James' Church, which is led by our parish choir, under the direction of our organmaster and director of music.
The choir typically sings at the 10AM Mass each week from August through May, taking the summers off. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings after the Mass and parish meal.
We are always looking for new singers. If you have an interest in singing with us, please contact Andrew Clark.
Acolytes. Those young people who have made their first intentional Holy Communion are eligible to serve at the altar. As servers gain seniority, they are introduced to greater responsibilities in worship.
Chalice Bearers. A number of our adult parishioners are licensed by the Bishop to administer the Chalice at the Eucharist.
Confirmation Mentors. Our youth confirmands are paired with an adult for Confirmation instruction and mentoring.
Daughters of the King is an Order for Episcopal women founded in 1885. We are a prayer and service group who meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:00am. We regularly take part in worship, study, and aid our Clergy as asked.
Lectors (Readers). A rotation of over 30 readers read the Old Testament Lesson and lead the Prayers of the People on Sundays and weekday services.
Sunday School. Our academic year is divided into two blocks, with classes for every age.
Ushers welcome those who attend our services, hand out bulletins, familiarize visitors and ‘direct traffic’ during worship.
The Vestry, elected by parishioners at the Annual Parish meeting, serves as the board of St James’, with particular responsibility for finances and property, and a council of advice to the Rector.
We seek to unite God's people in the sacraments, steward His generosity, and evangelize the community.